How To Use This Site
Explore the Dropdowns
Vote Maximizer’s map and dropdowns includes Election Day information and Voter Power scores for key presidential, Senate, House of Representatives, gubernatorial, and state legislative races, plus ballot measures. This information can be displayed by (a) clicking on a state, (b) selecting a type of election, or (c) searching for competitive races near a local address.
How Powerful am I?
In individual political races, Vote Maximizer emphasizes races where a few votes have the most impact. Voter Power is ranked on a 100-point scale, with 100 indicating the greatest possible per-voter impact on a race or ballot question. Click through states and contests to watch how Voter Power shifts, as the function analyzes millions of data points.
Ballot Initiative Categories
Democracy Initiatives change the way voters elect their government. Ballot initiatives can implement rules changes that can make electoral systems more responsive or representative: ranked-choice voting, anti-gerrymandering initiatives, making party primaries more open to competition, and other elements of the democratic process.
Ballot Initiatives provide a direct means for citizens to change the law. Vote Maximizer focuses on policies that legislatures are expected to do, but fail to act. Such legislative tasks include reproductive rights, marijuana legalization, the minimum wage, and civil liberties.
Something is Missing
Also, local elections, such as for school board or town council, may appear on your ballot, but aren’t included in our database. If a race or ballot question meeting these criteria appears to be missing or in error, please let us know through this Web form or by emailing
About the Skeptic Flag
Our organization promotes democracy. We aim to strengthen and improve it by publishing accurate information and pressing electoral reforms. The Skeptic Flag points to candidates who, in the face of facts, cast doubt on the processes and results of free and fair elections. Learn more about the phenomenon of election denialism at